Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Build and run ganache-ui on a new Windows 11 workstation in a corporate environment

Took me about a day to build ganache-ui so I decided to put it here in writing. Hopefully it will save time to somebody
So, let's start. I had a brand-new Windows 11 workstation and Chrome installed
  • Install Git
  • Install node.js
  • Update your npm to the latest version
  • Update your npm-gyp to the latest version with "npm install -g node-gyp@latest"
  • Install windows-build-tools. Although the page says that it's no longer needed - you will need python2 from this package. May be you can install just python 2 and then proceed to the following item
  • Make sure that your python2 path is in your PATH

  • Now go the ganache-ui git and download it with git clone.
    Their git readme page contains pretty good explanations on how to build the ganache-ui project.

  • Open your node command prompt
  • If you are behind a corporate transparent proxy you will need to do the following in the command window:
  • npm config set strict-ssl false
  • build ganache-ui